WEBBER recognises how critical the Coordination process is in eliminating conflict between the major building system elements prior to construction being undertaken. Clients have continually experienced success in project outcomes through the extensive experience and discipline WEBBER has delivered throughout this process.
Coordination of the BIM models from the Consultant team into a federated 3D model is an important part of the WEBBER Intelligent Construction™ process and involves continual validation of the BIM model to ensure any conflicts between building system elements and deficiencies are resolved to enhance its’ accuracy. Initiation of the Coordination process is through the collaborative development of a BIM Management Plan (BMP) involving WEBBER, the Client and entire Consultant team. The BMP outlines the agreed project team and roles, collaboration process, planning of work, segregation of data, project milestones, file naming conventions, model progression specification (LOD), document control, agreed file formats and Compliance Plan. These documents form part of the Consultants agreements and WEBBER has responsibility for managing the process. Communication of issues between the various BIM platforms is via industry standard IFC/BCF format in BIMcollab.