Challenging market conditions demands Constructors deliver projects with greater efficiency of resources and minimal waste leading to more certainty of financial outcome. WEBBER can provide Constructors with the ability of achieving a competitive advantage by harnessing the power of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and providing a reliable basis for informed decisions throughout the building lifecycle.
The WEBBER Intelligent Construction™ process leads the industry in providing the fully realised power of BIM through a fully integrated solution creating an information rich 3D Construction Calibre model with 4D (Construction Sequencing), 5D (Cost Estimation) and 6D (Facilities Management) capability.
The process integrates coordination and validation of the 3D Construction Calibre models to produce quality construction documentation, and as the Construction phase progresses the model incorporates changes to evolve into an ‘As Built’ model capable of delivering the specific needs of 6D (Facilities Management).
WEBBER operates an ‘Open BIM’ methodology allowing total interoperability across the entire project team. This allows the Client, Consultants and Sub-contractors the flexibility to operate with their specific software platform. The distinct benefits of the WEBBER Intelligent Construction™ approach includes:
- Early Cost and Constructability analysis through Value Engineering to better use manpower and materials resulting in reduced cost
- Minimising risk through expanded data analysis enabling better informed decision making
- Creation, analysis and optimisation of Cost Schedules
- Simulations of Work Flow Schedules which can be performed quickly enabling improved and innovative construction solutions
- Comprehensive information capture across the entire Design-Build-Operate lifecycle
WEBBER incorporates leading edge technology to consistently deliver competitive advantage. This constant desire to seek enhanced solutions in combination with WEBBER’s industry knowledge and a full range of services, ensures Clients receive significant value.